"Greening" skills and jobs
Global decarbonisation efforts are impacting employment and skills, DG Energy concludes.
Basing its report on Cedefop Skills Forecast framework, DG Energy studied the impacts that the global decarbonisation efforts of reducing CO2 emissions are having on the economy.
The main concern that arised from this report is the obvious decline of activity in fossil-fuel dependent sectors, compared to the rise in greener options, such as electrification, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency installation and equipment. Even though decarbonisation is seen as a positive step towards helping the environment, this good deed doesn't come without its flaws and the difficulty of replacing lost jobs is just one of them.
Nevertheless, a positive outcome can be attained by retraining workers, increasing their qualifications and moving towards high-level occupations. New competences are required on both sides: the traditional industries and the new green wave. It is all a matter of adapting workers' skills to the ever growing demands.
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