Pact4Skills - a recovery strategy for the automotive sector
The automotive ecosystem has been crossing a period of major structural changes and technological transformations. The situation is particularly difficult with the pandemic crisis affecting all economic and industrial sectors. To remain competitive and to meet their economic and social responsibilities, the automotive ecosystem needs to invest significantly in the re/upskilling of its workforce.
DRIVES partnership is proud to be at the core of a front movement from automotive stakeholders, contributing to establish and deploy a pact for skills for the ecosystem, fully in line with the joint proposal to deliver and implement a sectorial up/reskilling framework for the workforce. Together, we are paving the way to a dedicated alliance for an accelerated overarching transformation and a for a smart recovery strategy of the European automotive ecosystem, maximising the industry's competitiveness, job retention and new job opportunities.
DRIVES partnership is proud to be at the core of a front movement from automotive stakeholders, contributing to establish and deploy a pact for skills for the ecosystem, fully in line with the joint proposal to deliver and implement a sectorial up/reskilling framework for the workforce. Together, we are paving the way to a dedicated alliance for an accelerated overarching transformation and a for a smart recovery strategy of the European automotive ecosystem, maximising the industry's competitiveness, job retention and new job opportunities.