

DRIVES Automotive Skills Strategy and Roadmap

DRIVES project, with intelligent gathering among main automotive stakeholders, provides the sector’s high-level vision on the needs for upskilling and reskilling of current and future workforce.

We are in the process of getting the wide picture for designing an Automotive Skills Strategy and Roadmap to build a sustainable ecosystem for continuous cooperation on upskilling and reskilling of workforce in the automotive sector. In its first approach we set the scene around the following Key Actions (KA):

  • KA 1: Establish EU Reference Recognition of Skills and Job Roles supported by KA 2: Establish Harmonised Approach to Education and Training Offer.
  • KA 3: Understand and make available innovative methods of delivery of training and education,
  • KA 4: Modular Approach to the Training Provision and
  • KA 5: Focus on All Levels of Education and Training that help create the ecosystem and its specific direction
  • KA 6: Improve Recruitment and Attractiveness of the Automotive Sector
  • KA 7: Actively Involve Key Players and Sectoral Intelligence Update
  • KA 8: Ensure Sustainable Approach 


We now want to hear from you on the relevance of these KA. Provide us with your feedback on each Key Action by participating in our surveys here.

You are also invited to join the upcoming brand of webinars on DRIVES achievements. Dates will be announced soon on DRIVES channels.



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