

Apprenticeship Consultation: online survey


Your opportunity to influence future apprenticeships supporting the European Automotive sector


We are seeking feedback from you and other key stakeholders to help inform specific policy recommendations on Apprenticeships.  The feedback you provide will be included in an Apprenticeship Marketplace Report update that will be presented to the EU Commission, through the DRIVES project, at the end of the year.

The DRIVES Project – DRIVES stands for Development and Research on Innovative Vocational Education Skills (DRIVES) – is made up of 6 workstreams delivering projects including the development of a Roadmap on skills development in the automotive sector; the creation of automotive-related entry training courses and the related training platform and various projects relating to Apprenticeships including the production of the report mentioned above.  You can find more details of these projects on this web site.


We would like your views on three main areas to inform apprenticeship development and delivery, these being:

  1. What improvements to current skills and intelligence are needed? 
  2. What aspects of innovative practice would be useful to be shared more widely? 
  3. How can apprenticeships play a greater role in upskilling and/or reskilling of the existing workforce in addition to the training of new entrants? 


The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes and we would be grateful if you could spare the time to complete this by clicking on this link: Survey (


In anticipation, thank you for your help with this.

The EC support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.